PresseFoto Evans: Blog en-us (C) PresseFoto Evans (PresseFoto Evans) Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:46:00 GMT Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:46:00 GMT PresseFoto Evans: Blog 114 120 Spannendes Volleyball-Duell endet mit Sieg für VC Eltmann gegen TV Bühl Datum: 13. Januar 2024

13.01.2024_VCE-TVB_re-15413.01.2024_VCE-TVB_re-154Germany ,Eltmann, Georg Schäfer Halle - 13 Jan 2024 - 2.Bundesliga, Volleyball - VC Eltmann vs TV Bühl Volleyball

In einem mitreißenden Duell kehrte die 2. Volleyball-Bundesliga nach der Winterpause zurück, als der VC Eltmann auf den TV Bühl traf. Das packende Match endete schließlich mit einem knappen 3:2-Sieg für VC Eltmann (20:25, 25:23, 25:23, 29:31, 15:8).

Der Trainer des VC Eltmann, Christian Kranz, zeigte sich nach dem Verlust des ersten Satzes enttäuscht. Doch sein Team fand wieder in die Spur und sicherte sich den zweiten Satz. Die Spieler zeigten Entschlossenheit und kämpferischen Einsatz, um die Führung zurückzugewinnen.

Im dritten Satz konnte VC Eltmann die Chance nutzen, das Spiel zu drehen und sich die 2:1-Führung zu sichern. Die Zuschauer erlebten intensive Ballwechsel und spektakuläre Aktionen auf dem Spielfeld.

Die Spannung erreichte im vierten Satz ihren Höhepunkt, als VC Eltmann die Möglichkeit hatte, das Spiel mit 3:1 für sich zu entscheiden. Doch TV Bühl zeigte kämpferischen Einsatz und erkämpfte sich wichtige Punkte, um das Match in den fünften Satz zu zwingen. Es entwickelte sich ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen, das mit 29:31 endete und den Fans eine nervenaufreibende Show bot.

Der Entscheidungssatz brachte schließlich die ersehnte Erlösung für VC Eltmann. Das Team bewies mentale Stärke und sicherte sich den Satz mit 15:8, was zu einem verdienten Gesamtsieg führte. Trotz eines holprigen Starts war Eltmann zufrieden, die +2 Punkte für sich verbuchen zu können.

Mit diesem Sieg setzt der VC Eltmann ein positives Zeichen für die kommenden Spiele in der 2. Volleyball-Bundesliga und beweist, dass das Team auch in knappen Situationen die Nerven behalten kann.


(PresseFoto Evans) 2.Bundesliga Bühl Eltmann Schmetterball TV VC Volleyball Volleys Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:41:41 GMT
Limbacher Women win in the Friendly Match 03.04.2022_Damen_Limbach-Prosselsheim_re-06703.04.2022_Damen_Limbach-Prosselsheim_re-067Germany ,Limbach, Sportplatz Limbach - 3 Apr 2022 - Bezirks Friendly, Damen Fussball - TSV Limbach vs TSV Prosselsheim

Image: Fabienne Krause (TSV Limbach) in action.

Germany ,Limbach, Sportplatz Limbach - 3 Apr 2022 - Bezirks Friendly, Damen Fussball - TSV Limbach vs TSV Prosselsheim

Image: Fabienne Krause (TSV Limbach) in action.

(PresseFoto Evans) damen frauen tsv tsv limbach tsv prosselsheim Fri, 08 Apr 2022 05:03:55 GMT
BZL Ufr-Ost: FC Thulba - DJK Dampfach 
(Samstag, 16:00 Uhr)

13.03.2022_Dampfach-Trappstadt_re-10313.03.2022_Dampfach-Trappstadt_re-103Germany ,Dampfach, Salistadion - 13 Mar 2022 - Fussball, Bezirksliga Ost - DJK Dampfach vs. TSV Trappstadt

(Image: Ralf Riedlmeier (DJK Dampfach, 7) läuft nach dem 2:1-Treffer von Patrick Winter (DJK Dampfach, 9) in der 71.Minute zu Lois Jilke (DJK Dampfach, 14) und klatscht ihm in die Hände.)

     Der 1.Platz in der Liga gastiert beim 1.Platz in der Fairness Tabelle. Nach der enttäuschenden 0:3-Niederlage gegen den 1.FC Bad Kissingen sollte sich der FC Thulba gegen die dominante Mannschaft aus Dampfach keine großen Hoffnungen machen. Aus den letzten fünf Spielen holte die Mannschaft von Oliver Kröner fünf Siege (15 Pkt.), darunter den 2:1-Sieg am vergangenen Sonntag gegen einen sehr aggressiven TSV Trappstadt, mit dem sie ihre Siegesserie. Der FC Thulba hat in den letzten fünf Spielen nur fünf Punkte geholt, vier der fünf Mannschaften sind in der unteren Tabellenhälfte zu finden. 

     Es ist das erste Treffen der beiden Teams in dieser Saison. Aufgrund der Absage des Thulba Spiels in Dampfach wurde die DJK mit einer "Spielwertung" von 2:0 belohnt. Gerald Betz wird sich große Sorgen um die Defensive machen. Der FC Thulba hat bereits 45 Gegentore kassiert, der zweitschlechteste Wert in der Bezirksliga Ost. Bei einer Quote von 2,81 Gegentoren pro Spiel - eindeutig zu viel. Mit nur 12 Punkten aus 16 Spielen befindet sich der Gastgeber auf einem Abstiegsplatz. Siege waren für den FC Thulba in letzter Zeit eine Seltenheit. Der letzte Sieg liegt fünf Spiele zurück.

     Die DJK Dampfach geht als klarer Favorit in die Partie, liegt mit 42 Punkten auf Platz 1 und steht bei Trainer Oliver Kröner "nicht unter Druck". Dampfach schießt derzeit ⦰2,52 Tore pro Spiel und kassiert ⦰weniger als 1 Gegentor pro Spiel. "Wir wollen weiterhin attraktiven Fußball spielen, ohne Druck, nicht verkrampft oder verbissen wirken", sagt Kröner. Die DJK Dampfach geht ebenfalls mit einem kompletten, gesunden Kader in dieses Spiel, den sie in der letzten Woche noch nicht hatte.

📸:: Bildergalerie 👇
DJK's 2:1 Sieg gegen Trappstadt

(PresseFoto Evans) Bezirksliga BFV Dampfach DJK FC FuPa Fußball game Haßberge match Ost report Rhön Soccer Spieler Thulba VORBERICHT Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:14:05 GMT
Spitzenspiel in der Aufstiegsrunde zur 2. Bundesliga der Männer in der Georg-Schäfer-Halle

Spitzenspiel in der Aufstiegsrunde zur 2. Bundesliga der Männer in der Georg-Schäfer-Halle


Image: Gavra Meduric (VC Eltmann, 17) able to dink the ball over a blocking Felix Lorenz (TSV Deggendorf, 1).


Am kommenden Samstag, den 12.03.2022, empfängt der VC Eltmann in der Aufstiegsrunde zur 2. Bundesliga / Dritte Liga Ost, den ASV Dachau. Spielbeginn ist um 19:30 Uhr in der Georg-Schäfer-Halle in Eltmann. Beide Teams haben 5 Siege auf dem Konto, ein echtes Spitzenspiel der Tabellenerste Dachau gegen den Zweitplatzierten, wir vom VC Eltmann.

Wir dürfen den ASV Dachau bei uns im Hangar begrüßen, ein Verein für Sport und Freizeit.

Nach unserem klaren und eindeutigen 3:0 Sieg am Wochenende gegen den 1861 Deggendorf wird wieder ein spannendes Spiel erwartet.

#700 Zuschauer sind möglich

Wir brauchen Euch, um unseren Traum des Meistertitels umsetzen zu können! Der wichtigste Spieler war und ist für uns immer der Fan, ohne eure Unterstützung wird es gleich doppelt so hart die Punkte in Eltmann zu lassen. Nachdem die Coronaschutzregeln gelockert wurden, ist nun auch endlich wieder ausreichend Platz für alle.

Der Ticketverkauf erfolgt am Spieltag eine Stunde vor Spielbeginn am Eingang der Georg-Schäfer-Halle. Erwachsene zahlen 5,50 Euro sowie Kinder und Jugendliche je 3,50 Euro.

Vor Ort gilt die 2G-Regelung (Nachweis über eine Impfung, die Genesung sowie eine permanente Maskenpflicht). Die Maskenpflicht gilt nicht bei der Einnahme von Speisen und Getränken.

Wir, der VC Eltmann, bitten um Verständnis für die aktuell geltenden Richtlinien und freuen uns trotz dieser außergewöhnlichen Umstände und Rahmenbedingungen auf das Heimspiel am 12.03.2022 um 19:30 Uhr in der Georg-Schäfer-Halle in Eltmann.

Unseren Gästen, vom ASV Dachau wünschen wir eine angenehme und stressfreie Anreise.

Wir sind Eltmann, wir sind Volleyball in Unterfranken!


Text: VC Eltmann

Foto: PresseFoto Evans




(PresseFoto Evans) 3.liga ASV Aufsteig Aufsteiger Dachau Deggendorf Eltmann Promotion Schmetterball TSV VC Volleyball Volleys Fri, 11 Mar 2022 14:53:08 GMT
Morale is high for Kröner's Dampfach PFE _Dampfach-UnterspiesheimPFE _Dampfach-Unterspiesheim




Germany, Unterspiesheim - 31.10.2021 - Fussball, Bezirksliga Ost - SV-DJK Unterspiesheim vs. DJK Dampfach




(PresseFoto Evans) Bezirksliga BFV BZL DJK FuPa Fussball Germany Haßberge Rasen Soccer Spieler SV-DJK Unterspiesheim Fri, 29 Oct 2021 13:22:50 GMT
The DJK Dampfach continues to Shine PFE _Dampfach-ForstPFE _Dampfach-Forst

(PresseFoto Evans) Bayliga Bezirksliga BFV BZL Dampfach derby DJK DJKFussball1 forst FuPa Fussball Germany Haßberge Rasen Soccer Spieler TSV Tue, 19 Oct 2021 07:14:54 GMT
Altbessingen is Looking For Revenge PFE Blog_Dampfach-AltbessingenPFE Blog_Dampfach-Altbessingen

(PresseFoto Evans) Bezirksliga BFV BZL DJKfussball1 FuPa Fussball Germany Haßberge Rasen Soccer Spieler Unterfranken Tue, 19 Oct 2021 05:57:30 GMT
586 Scoreless Minutes
Bayernliga Nord
1. FC Sand - TSV Karlburg

14.09.2019_ FCS-Karlburg-09214.09.2019_ FCS-Karlburg-092Deutschland, Sand am Main, SeeStadion - 14.09.2019 - Fussball, Bayernliga Nord - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. TSV Karlburg Bild: Christopher Gonnert (1.FC Sand, #12) Jubelt sein Tor in der 19'.


Contrary to the trend - 1. FC Sand did not manage  to win in the last eight games — and after 580+ minutes played without scoring, the home team should is planning for a successful match in the duel with TSV Karlburg. Last Saturday the performance of 1. FC Sand was sobering. Against the DJK Vilzing they conceded a 0-1 defeat in a relitivley slow match. TSV Karlburg last came to a 1-1 draw against DJK Don Bosco Bamberg— a team that beat FC Sand with a final of  2:0.

The attack of 1. FC Sand has been silent and hasn’t shown the willingness to fight for the the ball in the opponents half of the feild. Only 13 times did the team of coach Matthias Strätz put the ball in the opposing goal which is the lingering problem for the “Korbmacher 11”. Will today be the day that FC Sand finds the back of the net and breaks this horrible losing streak plaguing the club.

1. FC Sand isn’t the only team in this match with a problem at the forefront— TSV Karlburg, the guests, only scored twelve goals - no team in the Bayernliga Nord is worse. Markus Köhler’s team recorded only one win in the past five matches.

Both teams are in the same table region. Only three points make the difference. Both teams have taken three wins so far this season.

The last time these two teams meet in the SeeStadion, 1.FC Sand was shown two direct red cards (Ralph Thomann 60’,  Mert Topuz  64’), but was able to overcome the misfurtone to dominate TSV Karlburg with a final of 5:0. The season is a completly different story

given the new team roster and I wouldn’t expect the same one-sided results as the last meeting.

Who is the favorite? Thats hard to tell.  In view of comparable capabilities, the outcome of the game is completely open. Two teams that stand roughly in the same abilities and will have the game decided by the team spirit and the will to win.

(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FuPa Fussball Germany Haßberge Karlberg Rasen Sand am Main Soccer Spieler TSV Sat, 16 Oct 2021 08:18:11 GMT
Keeping the Winning Train Rollin' TSV MünnerstadtDJK Dampfach

Preliminary report

(BZL Ufr-Ost  Sunday, 4:00 p.m.)

DJK_Baumi_FBCoverBaumi Game Winner!!!Image: Robin Baumgärtner (DJK Dampfach, 25) scores an Empty-Net goal in the 90’+4. The Goalie was pushed forward for help with a corner kick in the final seconds and Dampfach countered directly after the kick.


     The DJK Dampfach wants to expand the successful streak of three victories at TSV Münnerstadt this Sunday. On the last Matchday, TSV Münnerstadt suffered their second defeat of the season against 1. FC 1906 Bad Kissingen. Last week the DJK Dampfach beat TSV Bergrheinfeld 3-1. Thus, the DJK Dampfach occupies second place in the table with 20 points (1 match less played than the current leader) . With 14 counters collected, TSV Münnerstadt is fifth in the ranking.


     The DJK Dampfach still remains the only unbeaten team left in the Bezirksliga Unterfranken Ost. Dampfach currently sits with an impressive six wins and two draws. The last few showings from Dampfach were solid, letting Trainer Oliver Kröner celebrate at the end of the match - DJK Dampfach got 13 points from the last five games. 26.09.2021_Dampfach-BergR_re-128Red Card for Heppt!Image: Leon Heppt (DJK Dampfach,20) gets sent off with a direct Red for kicking at a defensive player after the ball was out of bounds.


     Foremost, the offensive side of the DJK Dampfach must get the TSV Münnerstadt under control and effectively move the ball forward through the midfield. On average, Dampfach hits the opponent's net more than twice per game. Patrick Winter (DJK,11) will be returning  to the line-up after a short break, while Leon Heppt (DJK,20) will not be suting up for the next few matches due to being sent off the field with a red card for an unsportsmanlike foul. Heppt's block will also effect the team since they are scheduled to play position 3, SV/DJK Oberschwärzach, in the following week.


     The defense of TSV Münnerstadt will be trying to plan out a  way to hold the DJK Dampfach from scoring - nevertheless, the DJK Dampfach is slightly favored top win the match.

(PresseFoto Evans) Bezirksliga Ost BFV DJK Dampfach FC FuPa Fußball Haßberge Münnerstadt Soccer Spieler Fri, 01 Oct 2021 16:58:45 GMT
The Battle at the Bottom Match Preview

Bayernliga Nord: 1. FC Sand - SV Vatan Spor A'burg

Saturday, 4:00 p.m. (Sand am Main)


25.09.2021_DJKA-FCS_re-17625.09.2021_DJKA-FCS_re-176Deutschland, Ammerthal - 25.09.2021 - Fussball, Bayernliga Nord - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. DJK Ammerthal

Image: Sebastian Wagner (1.FC Sand, #10) with a sliding tackle to disrupt a fast break.
Image: Sebastian Wagner (1.FC Sand, #10) with a sliding tackle to disrupt a fast break.


     After six games without a win, Sand will meet up with SV Vatan Spor A'burg at home. 1. FC Sand finally wants to feel some success; something that they haven't felt in over six weeks. The "Korbmacher 11" were handed their seventh defeat of the season last weekend against DJK Ammerthal. Last weekend, SV Vatan Spor A'burg lost to DJK Don Bosco Bamberg, thus suffering their tenth defeat of the season. Both Teams are clearly in a hole and this Match will be a "6-Point-Match" in the battle to get out from the bottom of the standings.

     1. FC Sand's goal difference speaks for itself in terms of it's non-existent offense, at 13:27 . The last time the host was in the worm. Not one win has been bagged in the last six games. The Sander will have to dig a lot deeper to be able to put up some points and give them will to even continue with the season because all the heads sunk down a bit more after the Ammerthal loss. With Joe Bechmann (FCS,2) and Marc Fischer (FCS,11) both leaving the last match due to injuries, that only puts more preasure on Trainer Matthias Strätz as to what players that he will be left with that are able to compete at the Bayernliga level.  The only constant that remains on this team is the strength of the midfield with Captain Andre karmann (FCS,7), even when directing the complete inexperienced youth playing around him.


25.09.2021_DJKA-FCS_re-248 copy25.09.2021_DJKA-FCS_re-248 copyDeutschland, Ammerthal - 25.09.2021 - Fussball, Bayernliga Nord - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. DJK Ammerthal

Image: Daniel Gömmel (DJK Ammerthal, 17) able to head the ball over GK Markus Geier (1.FC Sand, #22) in the 42th minute for the 2:0.


     In attack, SV Vatan Spor A'burg has significant weaknesses, which is clearly demonstrated by the minimal eleven goals that they've score this season. The bottom of the table undoubtedly has to take care of his own defense. On average, the team conceded more than 2 goals per game. 1. FC Sand has SV Vatan Spor A'burg breathing down their backs, with Sand doing significantly worse in the recent matches. The guests are only five points behind 1. FC Sand in the ranking and would be devastating to the moral of Sand if A'burg is able to pick up those points..


     The omens indicate an even game. In any case, a favorite cannot be determined. So, this Match will be determined by the "Will to Win" and who wants it more!


Fotos: PresseFoto Evans/ Helen Evans

(PresseFoto Evans) A'burg Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FCS FuPa Fussball Germany Haßberge Rasen Sand am Main Soccer Spieler Fri, 01 Oct 2021 09:33:07 GMT
The Sander Travel to Gebenbach  

DJK Gebenbach - 1. FC Sand
Bayernliga Nord  (Saturday, 4:00 p.m.)



     1. FC Sand wants to finally stop the downward trend in the game at DJK Gabenbach after three games without a win. DJK Gabenbach recently coming off a 1:1 draw against the DJK Don Bosco Bamberg, they are in a better place mentally to overtake FC Sand on the leaderboard. During the last match 1. FC Sand suffered their fourth defeat of the season against SpVgg Ansbach. Matthias Strätz is hoping to end the winless streak and build on the 12 points that he earned quickly at the begining of the season.

     Both teams are in the same table region. Only two counters make the difference. Both teams have taken three wins so far this season. The DJK Gabenbach as well as the 1. FC Sand have shone little lately, so that both of the last five games only went off the field as winners once.

     Hopefully Joe Beckmann will be rejoining the starting 11 because his absences was clearly noticeable. The leadership from both Joe Bechmann and the Captain Andre Karmann to lead this young team to their next win. Both teams should expect the same chance of victory, 50/50. In any case, the opponents are close together in the standings.


(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FCS FuPa Fussball Germany Haßberge Rasen Sand am Main Soccer Spieler Fri, 10 Sep 2021 11:00:00 GMT
DJK Hirschfeld to Host Dampfach DJK HirschfeldDJK Dampfach

BZL Ufr-Ost (Sonntag, 15:00 Uhr) 22.08.2021_Trappstadt-Dampfach_re-05622.08.2021_Trappstadt-Dampfach_re-056Germany, Trappstadt - 22.08.2021 - Fussball, Bezirksliga Ost - TSV Trappstadt vs DJK Dampfach

Image: (fLTR) Thiemo Persch (DJK Dampfach), Niklas Bauer (TSV Trappstadt,21)

Image: (fLTR) Thiemo Persch (DJK Dampfach) battles to keep ball possession against Niklas Bauer (TSV Trappstadt,21)


     The DJK Hirschfeld will be hosting the DJK Dampfach today at 1500 hrs, after having yet another free day due to a canceled match last weekend. Dampfach did have a Toto-Pokal Match against the SV Stammheim, which they breezed through that match with a very comfortable 0:5 (0:2) victory. The DJK Hirschfeld seems to be somewhat evenly match to Dampfach on paper, but the consensus around the league is that Dampfach is expected to be finishing the season towards the top of the leaderboard— an expectation that Trainer Oliver Kröner is reluctant to comment on since he wants to players to concentrate day-by-day, with no mentions win winning being a certainty.

     There was nothing to be gained at the last league appearance when DJK Hirschfeld had to admit defeat to 1. FC 1906 Bad Kissingen with 0: 2 on their own errors on the pitch. The Team from Stefan Nöthling will be looking to stop the in-sync offense consisting of Patrick Winter (DJK, 9), Leon Heppt (DJK, 20), and the strong substitute Robin Baumgärtner (DJK, 25), which has be playing very effective throughout the season.

     The previous yield of the DJK Hirschfeld: one win, one draw and two defeats, while Dampfach still remains undefeated this season. The balance is two wins and one draw.

(PresseFoto Evans) Bezirksliga Ost BFV DJK Dampfach DJK Hirschfeld FC FuPa Fußball Haßberge Soccer Spieler Sun, 05 Sep 2021 18:53:37 GMT
Bayernliga Nord: DJK Don Bosco Bamberg - 1. FC Sand  

Bayernliga Nord: DJK Don Bosco Bamberg - 1. FC Sand (Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.)

Rudi-Ziegler-Sportanlage / Schiedsrichter: Maximilian Ziegler


04.07.2021_SCE-FCS_re-01904.07.2021_SCE-FCS_re-019 Image: Ralph Thomann (FCS, #14) in action during the test match against SC Eltersdorf.


     The DJK Don Bosco Bamberg wants to score big during this game against 1. FC Sand after coming off of two victories in a row. Last week the DJK Don Bosco Bamberg beat ASV Cham 1-0. The DJK Don Bosco Bamberg is now in the middle of the table with nine points. Mattias Strätz's FC Sand team are flying high after their thrashing victory over the Würzburger FV with a final of 4-0. There is a very small gap between these two teams, in expectations and current point standings. In the table, the teams are separated by just two points. Both teams have taken three wins so far this season.

     During this match of DJK Don Bosco Bamberg against 1. FC Sand, these two teams are set to play an opponent with equal footing in the league - at least a look at the current standings of the two teams suggests this. The main focus of this match will be focused on the two Forwards that are making an impact for their team, Simon Allgaier (DJK/ 4 Goals) and Timm Strasser (FCS/ 5 Goals). Strasser may be having trouble scoring today, if he is able to play, since he has been having troubles with a minor reoccurring injury that made his be exchanged in the last match against the WFV.

     Philipp Pfeiffer (DJK, 3) earned himself a Red card in the final minutes for their game against ASV Cham and will blocked for this game, which will come as a major advantage to Sand. Given that Sand has been having a good variety of goal scorers throughout their first seven (7) matches, Don Bosco will have to spread out covering more threats, while Ex-Bamberger Ralph Thomann will be holding up with Joe Bechmann on the opposite end.


Check back after the match for Images: 👇

Images will be Posted Here!


(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV DJK DJK Don Bosco Bamberg Don Bosco FC Sand FCS FuPa Germany Haßberge Re-Start Sand am Main Soccer Spieler Wed, 25 Aug 2021 11:51:56 GMT
1.FC Sand am Main vs. SV Euerbach (TS)  

1.FC Sand am Main vs. SV Euerbach (TS)

So. 12.07.2021 /18:30 Uhr

Karmann GoalKarmannA. Karmann Shooting the 1:0 in the 41.minute. Image: Andre Karmann (1.FC Sand, #7) scoring the 1:0 with a head ball from a cross in the 41st minute.


Seestadion Sand, Platz 1 | Am Sportfeld | 97522 Sand a. Main

Spielnummer - 239

Schiedsrichter - Marcel Geuß

Assistenten - Lukas Weiß, Sascha Seifert



2:1 Final.

     A MUCH better performance today, with a 2:1 win against SV Euerbach. A win despite being without the leadership of Joe Bechmann in the back directing the younger player. This win will lift the spirit of FC Sand going into their final Test against FSV Erlangen Bruck on Saturday (17.07). Sand hopes to be holding their heads high going into the first point match, being the Derby against FC Eintracht bamberg (Home).

     Tim Strasser (FCS, 29) is looking to be the man up front that will be the leading factor to whether goals will be scored or not. Young, but aggressive and able to use his body to work the defense off of the ball, which we clearly saw during this match.

     Euerbach had a several quality scoring chances throughout the game, but Marcus Geier went the 1st Half without conceeding a goal and Alessandro Burkard's 2nd Half profomance allowed one goal. Burkard also earned himself his 1st yellow card (87') saving a potential goal from being score when he charged the attacking forawrd, tripping him up, in a one-on-one situation. The match ended 2:1, with Andre Karmann (38') and Tim Strasser (78') both finding the back of the net.  ⚽ ⚽



📷:: For Images from the match: Click Here👇

1.FC Sand am Main vs.SV Euerbach/Kützberg (TS)


(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord Bayrischer Fussball Verband Bezirksliga BFV DFB Eurbach Europe FC Sand FuPa Fussball Germany Landesliga pitch play to win Rasen Restart Sand am Main schweinfurt Soccer Soccer life Spieler SV Thu, 15 Jul 2021 14:25:16 GMT
TSV Gochsheim vs. DJK Dampfach (TS)  

TSV Gochsheim vs. DJK Dampfach (TS)

So. 11.07.2021 /17:00 Uhr

11.07.2021_TVSG-DJKD_re-HepptGoal11.07.2021_TVSG-DJKD_re-HepptGoalHeppt Shooting the 1:1 in the 73rd Minute. Image: (fLTR)  Leon Heppt (DJK Dampfach, #20) shooting the 1:1 goal in the 73rd minute; Rico Gmehling  (TSV Gochsheim,11), Jan Deppert (TSV Gochsheim, #1).


Sportgelände Gochsheim, Platz 1 | Friedhofstr. | 97469 Gochsheim

Spielnummer - 144

Schiedsrichter - Tim Schoch

Assistenten - Marco Föller , Lou Stanton



Sunday Afternoon saw one of the best match-ups from the pre-season, with TSV Gochsheim (Landesliga Promotee) hosting the DJK Dampfach (Bezirksliga). The match start right of the bat with a yellow card given to Leon Heppt (DJK,20) for an aggressive tackle. Heppt would receive one of the four yellow cards shown to Dampfach, 8 total bookings in the match. Both teams thoughout the first half would seem relatively evenly-matched, with Gochsheim showing moments where they had Dampfach on their heals and eventually Marcial Weisensel (TSV,9) was able to put a close range shot by GK Niklas Götz in the 26th minute.


The second half was a completely different game for the DJK, with a few exchanges, Dampfach was able to keep the ball on the TSV half of the field for a majority of the time. Hatcher, Winter, Baumgärtner, and Heppt all have scoring chances in the final 20 minutes of play, with Heppt scoring in the 73rd minute to level the score. The defenses on both sides were proven to be highly effective with a blunder in the 82nd minute in which Hau made a careless tackle inside the box to give Gochsheim a penalty shot. The Penalty shot was handled with ease as Yasim Yücetag (DJK,99) blocks a poorly placed shot by Marcial Weisensel.


After the match Trainer Oliver Kröner (DJK) was very pleased with his team’s performance and he placed a lot of emphasis in the fact that he is prepared for the season to begin. The DJK seems to have let their winning spirit from last season carry into this pre-season. DJK Dampach has their eye set for a promotion, but there are a few other clubs that may stand in their way. The DJK has one more friendly match against Spfr. Unterhohenried next week before starting on the 25.07.2021 with their first point match the following Sunday.



📷:: For Images from the match: Click Here👇

TSV Gochsheim vs. DJK Dampfach (TS)

(PresseFoto Evans) Bayrischer Fussball Verband Bezirksliga Bezirksliga Ost BFV DFB DJK DJK Dampfach Europe FuPa Fussball Germany Gochsheim Landesliga pitch play to win Rasen Restart schweinfurt Soccer Soccer life Spieler TSV TSV Gochsheim Mon, 12 Jul 2021 17:56:39 GMT
Demostration against nasal swab COVID testing for school children Demostration against nasal swab COVID testing for school children

19.05.2021_Knetzgauer-Protest_re-01219.05.2021_Knetzgauer-Protest_re-012Germany, Knetzgau, am Rathaus - 19.05.2021 - Gemeinde Knetzgau Protest against Front Nose COIVD Testing for Kids

Images: On Wednsday 19 May 2021 at 1400, the parents of the Gemeinde Knetzgau’s school children protest against the mandate for the a front nose PoC antigen test prior to being allowed to enter the school. The protesters gathered at the courthouse with their hand-drawn signs to demand the use of COVID spit tests, which are a less invasive way to test children. The Theme/ Message of the Protest is “ We ONLY want spit test for our children!!!”. The residence of the gemeinde were hoping to talk with Bürgermeister Stefan Paulus to consider the changes be made. Unfortunately, the Bürgermeister did not or could not attend to give a comment about the topic.

Am Mittwoch 19.5. um 14 Uhr haben Mütter und Väter, der Dreiberg Schule zusammen mit ihren Kindern eine Demo abgehalten, um bei Bürgermeister Paulus die Zulassung von Spucktests , anstatt Nase-Rachen, Vordere Nase PoC Antigen Schnelltests in der Schule zu erwirken. Die Demonstration fand unter Einhaltung der geltenden Corona Vorschriften statt. Thema des Protests: Wir wollen NUR Spucktests für Unsere Kinder !!!
(Image: The spit testing packets, "spucktests", with the lyrics of their protest song which outlines their message laying outside the Rathaus Knetzgau Building. © PresseFoto Evans/ EvRy)


     On Wednsday 19 May 2021 at 1400, the parents of the Gemeinde Knetzgau’s school children protest against the mandate for the a front nose PoC antigen test prior to being allowed to enter the school. The protesters gathered at the courthouse with their hand-drawn signs to demand the use of COVID spit tests, which are a less invasive way to test children. The Theme/ Message of the Protest is “ We ONLY want spit test for our children!!!”. The residence of the gemeinde were hoping to talk with Bürgermeister Stefan Paulus to consider the changes be made. Unfortunately, the Bürgermeister did not or could not attend to give a comment about the topic.


     As a concern from group of people in his community in which he is responsible, it is imperitive fro the Bürgermeister to give feedback to the people regarding the way that the pandemic rules/ testing are being enforced. Whether this new is positive or negative to this demonstration, the Mayor's position needs to be reinforced and explained which test will be administered and why. One positive aspect for using the spit tests are that they are less invasive, but on the other hand, less effective with their results. Bürgermeister Stefan Paulus may not have given a comment today, but it's clear that this group of people will continue to look for the answers needed to feel better when sending their children to school. Another though to this may be that the 1.Bürgermeister of Knetzgau is unable to have an affect on a decision of this importance and may have to direct the demonstrators to the proper authorities that would be able to impact that change.




     Am Mittwoch 19.5. um 14 Uhr haben Mütter und Väter, der Dreiberg Schule zusammen mit ihren Kindern eine Demo abgehalten, um bei Bürgermeister Paulus die Zulassung von Spucktests , anstatt Nase-Rachen, Vordere Nase PoC Antigen Schnelltests in der Schule zu erwirken. Die Demonstration fand unter Einhaltung der geltenden Corona Vorschriften statt. Thema des Protests: Wir wollen NUR Spucktests für Unsere Kinder!!! Die Residenz der Gemeinde hoffte, mit Bürgermeister Stefan Paulus über die Änderungen sprechen zu können. Leider hat der Bürgermeister nicht oder konnte nicht teilnehmen, um einen Kommentar zum Thema abzugeben.

(PresseFoto Evans) abstand abstand halten Bayern Bürgermeister Children corona-regeln COVID COVID-19 Demands Demo Demonstation Deutschland dreiberg Gemeinde Knetzgau Germany Impfen Inzidenz corona Knetzgau masks negative pandemic PoC antigen PoCT Police Polizei positive Protest Rathaus regeln School Schule social distance Spit test spucktest Test testing station Unterfranken Wed, 19 May 2021 16:08:48 GMT
Next Stop Liga Pokal HOFHOF

The "Korbmacher 11" traveling to the Grüne Au for their first Liga Pokal match.


(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FCS FuPa Haßberge Liga Pokal Sand am Main Soccer Thu, 08 Oct 2020 16:37:30 GMT
The Sander travel to Ammerthal The Sander travel to Ammerthal

(Bayernliga Nord / 25th Matchday)

Ammerthal-FCS BlogAmmerthal-FCS BlogDeutschland, Sand am Main, SeeStadion - 12.07.2019 - Fussball, Bayernliga Nord - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. DJK Ammerthal

Bild: Freistoß für DJK Ammerthal; Andre Karzmarczyk (DJK Ammerthal, #18)

Foto: PresseFoto Evans / Ryan Evans
-- Image: Free kick from 23 meters out for DJK Ammerthal; Andre Karzmarczyk (DJK Ammerthal, #18). --


Projected Starting 11: FC Sand- GK Geier, T. Schlereth , Karmann, Moser, Schebak, Steinmann, Rugovaj, Gonnert, Thomann, Bechmann, Zang

Reserves: GK Klemm, Witchen, Rippstein, Albert, Wagner (Playing, but Injured)

Out: D. Schlereth (Injured)

Trainer: Matthias Strätz


In the last five matches played in the Bayernliga Nord, both 1.FC Sand and the DJK Ammerthal have had similar results with only archiving two victories. The major factor standing in front of Ammerthal is that FC Sand went into the winter break with a victory and also started after the break with a victory, opposed to Ammerthal continuing their losing streak from before the break. The Sander having the momentum of a good start in their favor, but Ammerthal has the luxury on being 5th place in the standings and should have no problem playing it safe against the visiting 15th place.


            Captain Andre Karmann will be back in the Midfield after not playing last week’s Totopokal match against Würzburger FV. Karmann assures that the team is playing to win and only have winning on their mind. During the last meeting between the teams, neither team left the Seestadion the victor, with the match ending 1-1.


Wir fahren nach Ammerthal um zu gewinnen- nichts anderes!
Mit Teamwork, Kampf und Leidenschaft !

-Captain Andre Karmann (1.FC Sand, #7)


            The “Starting 11” is projected to be the same as it was during the win against ATSV Erlangen for the Bayernliga re-start. Trainer Matthias Strätz has been testing players in new positions and is not afraid to try new tactics, but since the play was solid in his last match, its safe to say that he will be leaving the working strategy alone.



As always during Corona, limited entry will be permitted at the game, so its important to get to the field early to ensure that you get a ticket. The Match will take place on Saturday, 03.10.2020 at 1500 hrs. at Sportgelände Ammerthal Platz 1 | Pürschläger Weg 2 | 92260 Ammerthal.

(PresseFoto Evans) amateursport Ammerthal Bayernliga Nord bfv FuPa fussball germany Haßberge nikon Sand am Main Soccer sportfotograf sportfotografie Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:10:44 GMT
Time for the Pokal Time for the Pokal 05.09.2020_FCS-WFV_re-03305.09.2020_FCS-WFV_re-033Deutschland, Sand am Main, SeeStadion - 05.09.2020 - Fussball, Bayernliga Friendly - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. Würzburger FV

Images from the Bayernliga test match between 1.FC Sand and Würzburger FV.

-- Image: Max Schebak (1.FC Sand, #9) preparing for a shot on goal while heavily guarded by the Würzburger defense. --


     It's that time again. The Totopokal qualification rounds start Saturday for the Bayernliga Nord. 1.FC Sand am Main is getting a rematch of their friendly match that was played last week in Sand, with the exception that this match will be played in Würzburg. The friendly match started great for the Sander getting awarded a penalty shot within 90 seconds of the start of the match, which lead to the 1:0. Unfortunately for the "Korbmacher 11", that is where the luck ran out, losing 1:2.

     FC Sand had a very positive friendly season prior to the "re-start" and Trainer Matthias Strätz should very pleased with achieving a win in his first appearance as head coach in the Bayernliga Nord. Although FC Sand has a lot of reasons to be optimistic, the reality that every game against a Bayernliga team is a fresh start where anything can happen-- for better or for worse.

     Given that this upcoming match is Qualification Round for the Totopokal and not a league match, Matthias Strätz will have to make a decision if playing his starting 11 is worth the risk of an injury occurring to a player as opposed to only playing them for important Bayernliga Nord matches. 1.FC Sand currently sits at place 15 and the points needed for the league should far out-way a cup match.

     Regardless of the lineup on Saturday, Strätz has been able to identify strengths and weaknesses in the players to bring out their potential, even when playing a new position that they're not accustomed to. Out of the "Korbmacher" youth, Kevin Moser (1.FC Sand, #13) and Sebastian Albert (1.FC Sand, #29) have been the two players that will definitely have a future with the first team in Sand; both of them played in the home win against ATSV Erlangen and have shown that they are able to keep up with the demanding pace of the Bayernliga Nord.


Next Match:
Qualification Round- Bayerisher Totopokal
Würzburger FV vs. 1.FC Sand am Main
26.09.2020 -- 1400 hrs.

(PresseFoto Evans) am Bayerisher Bayernliga BFV BZL Cup derby FC Fussball FV Haßberge rasen Sand Soccer Sport Totopokal Würzburg Würzburger Thu, 24 Sep 2020 14:54:09 GMT
Ready for the "Re-Start" FCS: 1st and 2nd Teams both win their last test before "Re-Start"

16.09.2020_FCSII-SCTT_re-00616.09.2020_FCSII-SCTT_re-006Deutschland, Sand am Main, SeeStadion - 16.09.2020 - Fussball, Friendly - FC Sand II vs. SC Trossenfurt/ tretzendorf

Image: Fabian Zehe (FC Sand II, #1) prior to the start of the test match against SC Trossenfurt/ Tretzendorf.

     FC Sand II clearly showed their dominance from the start of the game in their test against SC Trossenfurt/ Tretzendorf, with a barrage of shots on goal. Unfortunately, most of those shots in the first half were aimlessly off target; there is a clear area that Trainer Christian Michl will have to focus on during the next coming weeks when league games are starting back up.

     A big positive that shines through is the use of the players that have come out of the "Korbmacher" youth. This not only ensures the number of players for a roster will be filled, but the player chemistry is already there since they have been playing together during the previous seasons. All four goals in this game from FC Sand were scored by youth players that have moved into the adult league this year. The match ended 4:1 for Sand, with the only goal against coming from a perfectly placed free kick from just outside the top of the box.

     FC Sand II is lacking the points to relax during their remaining games and will be in a mad scramble to secure as many points as possible to try and avoid relegation. The Sander are not yet mathematically knocked out of the Bezirksliga, but the probability is high that the two Hausberge teams promoted, Sand and Steinbach, will be in the Kreisliga next year.


📷:: For Images from the game click the link below: 👇
FC Sand II vs SC Trossenfurt/ Tretzendorf (TS)


The weekend Matches for the FC Sand are as follows:

(Bayernliga Nord) 1.FC Sand am Main vs ATSV Erlangen - Saturday, 19.09.2020 - 1630 hrs

(Bezirksliga Ost) FC Sand II vs FC Thulba - Sunday, 20.09.2020 - 1500 hrs.


Due to Corona Restrictions, the BFV is only allowing 200 Visitors to attend the game, so if you really want to see the game live, be out in front of the SeeStadion early with "A Pen and Ausweiss/ ID" for the guest registration. Registration forms will be destroyed 4 weeks after the matchday.



(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV Erlangen FC Sand FCS FuPa Re-Start Sand am Main SC SC Trossenfurt/ Tretzendorf Spieler Trossenfurt Wed, 16 Sep 2020 19:30:19 GMT
“Re-Start”: 1.FC Sand vs ATSV Erlangen “Re-Start”: 1.FC Sand vs ATSV Erlangen

24.Spieltag  Bayernliag Nord


-- Image: Thorsten Schlereth (FC Sand, #6) shooting the 1:2 goal during the teams previous visit to Erlangen. --


Projected Starting 11: FC Sand- GK Geier, T. Schlereth , Karmann , D. Schlereth, Schebak, Steinmann, Rugovaj, Gonnert, Thomann, Bechmann, Zang

Reserves: Witchen, Rippstein, Albert, Lörzer, Zeiß, Durst, Moser, Wagner (Injured)

Trainer: Matthias Strätz


Projected Starting 11: ATSV Erlangen - GK  Jurkic, Kleefeldt, Geyer, Ort, Nyary, Meleleo, Daoud, Fischer, Marx, Piwernetz, Mandelkow

Reserves: ETW Kraut, Graine, Boakye, Sormaz, Ferizi

Trainer:  Shqipran Skeraj


     Sitting at 15th place on the ranking, FC Sand is hoping for a “re-start” that produces the some needed points. In the previous five games prior to the interruption of the corona virus, than Trainer Deiter Schlereth’s team was only unable to produce four points with a win and a tie. ATSV was also able to pull a minimal five points out of five matches, but were about to gain 16 points from the last nine matches against teams from the lower third of the rankings. The preliminary round, the ATSV Erlangen won 4:1 in a very aggressive game, with the majority of the goals coming in the 2nd half.

     Since the two teams meet last, a lot of changes have been made to the team’s rosters. ATSV’s roster is almost a completely different team than the opponents that played Sand in Erlangen. FC Sand’s roster has remained somewhat constant, with the few exceptions; one notably being a new Trainer, Matthias Strätz. Strätz has had a lot of success with his short time with the team during the preparation phase of the restart, where his team won the majority of the friendly matches. Sand also added Forward Max Schabek, who transferred to the FC during the corona break from the TSV Aubstadt (Regionalliga Bayern), to help secure the “klassenerhalt”. After seeing the positive outcomes from the test matches, a feeling of optimism is being felt towards the team's season goal of holding the league.


Matthias Strätz when asked about his feelings/expectations of heading into his first Bayernliga Nord game as Head Coach-

"Fühl mich super und freu mich sehr auf Samstag 💪🔥. Es macht ewig viel Spaß mit der Mannschaft zu arbeiten. Sie ziehen alle gut mit und man merkt das wir uns von Woche zu Woche weiterentwickeln".

Meine Erwartung:
Wieder als Mannschaft auftreten,
Wille, Leidenschaft,
jeder 100% für den anderen gibt,
viel reden, Körpersprache und die Vorgaben als Team wieder gut umsetzen.
Wenn wir das beherzigen ist am Samstag alles möglich...

     The “Re-Start” of the Bayernliga Nord will be started with 24th matchday on Saturday (19.09.2020 /16:30 hrs). This will also be the first match since the corona virus outbreak in which fans will be permitted to watch their team play.



(PresseFoto Evans) ATSV ATSV Erlangen Bayernliga Nord BFV Erlangen FC Sand FCS FuPa Re-Start Sand am Main Spieler Tue, 15 Sep 2020 14:00:50 GMT
Musik in Knetzgau Spielt wieder  


Image: The Knetzgauer Turngarten was filled with people being Serenaded by the Musikvereine Knetzgau.


     After several events being cancelled this year due to Corona safety restrictions, music is once again being played in Knetzgau. The Musikverein Knetzgau held an Open Air concert, “Serenade” in the Turngarten. This will be the first event held in Gemeinde Knetzgau in ca. eight months after the cancellation of events such as the Tanzgala (KSV Knetzgau) and the Open Air concerts in Oberschwappach from the Veranstaltungsservice Bamberg in June.


     Ca. 160 visitors attended the “serenade 2020” concert and there was a registration at the entrance to maintain the chain of infection. The public was asked to bring their own food/drink, as well as a camping stool for individual seating.


     The concert last a little under an hour and had a variety of music from classical to modern pop culture. The pop culture hits that were played- Eric Clapton’s “Laya”, “Wonderful Tonight”, “Tears in heaven”, along with Michael Jackson’s “heal the World”- were following the theme of healing during an uncertain time during this pandemic.


     At the end of the event, the orchestra finished with the Reservistenkameradschaft Knetzgau march out in formation with flaming torches to the “Kleiner Zapfenstreich”. The crowd was continuously clapping and an encore of the “Bayernhymne” was played as the crowd stood in respect to Bavaria. The audience seemed pleased to be able to attend the concert and have 90 minutes that captured a few moments of normalcy as a time before the Corona virus.


📷:: For Images from the event click the link below: 👇

Musikverein Knetzgau Serenade 2020


(PresseFoto Evans) concert konzert musik Musikverein Knetzgau MVK Serenade 2020 turngarten Sun, 13 Sep 2020 19:00:10 GMT
5:0 for the "Korbmacher 11"; Final Test ends in "Kantersieg" 5:0 for the "Korbmacher 11"; Final Test ends in "Kantersieg"


-- Image: Andre Karmann (1.FC Sand, #7) wins a header from a corner against Julian Hippacher (TG Höchberg, #11), which would end up in the net for the 1:0 in the 12’. --    


Starting 11: FC Sand-  GK Geier, Schlereth T, Karmann, Steinmann, Rugovaj, Durst, Thomann, Bechmann, Zang, Moser, Witchen

Reserves: Albert, Lörzer, Wagner

Trainer: Matthias Strätz


Starting 11: TG Höchberg-  GK Dominik Daxhammer, Rene Riebe, Felix Thiele, Friedrich Philipp-Messerschmidt, Philipp Glücker, Sven Burkard, Julian Hippacher, Noah Lehner, Lennart Bolg, Tom Bretorius, Ramon Schmitt

Reserve: Tristan Schmid, Tobias Riedner, Luca Gegenwarth, Alex Beier

Trainer: Thomas Kaiser


     Everyone was awaiting the results of the final test match prior to the begin of the 2nd leg of the season, and a goal festival for the “Korbmacher 11”, which left the few people that were able to sneak a peak of the game from the nearby gaststätte or peaking through the fence in awe. With a 5:0 clear victory over the Landesliga club, you would think that FC Sand would be satisfied, but Trainer Matthias Strätz continues to focus on the weakness of his team in order to eliminate them completely.


     This game, played 11.09.2020 1815 hrs., was played without the help of four of the normal starters and you can honestly say that you couldn’t notice the difference in the game play. Strätzi pointed out that the game was played at a slower pace than normal and a bit sloppy, but overall was effective against the opposing TG Höchberg. Three key players weren’t present for the game, which would have drastically changed the outcome of the game for the Sander and would have allowed for an even greater amount of offensive scoring chances – Max Schebak (Forward), D. Schlereth (Midfeild), and Chris Gonnert (Defense). The start of the game was, slow but even at a change of pace, A. Karmann (FC Sand, #7) was about to score in the 12’ with a headball floated into the net from a corner kick by Kevin Steinmann (FC Sand, #21). The Sander weren’t able to score another goal in the 1st half, even though they were 16-2 in chances on goal comparing to their opponent, TG Höchberg.


     After a stern review of the 1st half by Matthias Strätz, the Sander were about to pick up the pace and score 4 goals in the 2nd half. Shaban Rugovaj (FC Sand, #3) was the lead scorer of the match with a Hat Trick (3), scoring in the 63’, 67’, and in the 76’.Despite some missed opportunities from FC Sand during the game, they seem to have a better cohesiveness coming out of the corona break than what they did prior to the interruption of the season. FC Sand is currently placed 15 on the standings and is optimistic to holding the league and avoiding relegation.

Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 23.38.39Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 23.38.39

The Teams next match, with Fans, will be a Bayernliga Nord match played in Sand at 1600hrs. on 19.09.2020 vs. ATSV Erlangen.

📷:: For Images from the game click the link below: 👇
1.FC Sand am Main vs TG Höchberg (Friendly)


(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FCS FuPa Höchberg Sand am Main Spieler TG TG Höchberg Würzburg Fri, 11 Sep 2020 21:45:17 GMT
Last Test for 1.FC Sand before "Re-Start" Last Test for 1.FC Sand before "Re-Start"


-- Image: Thorsten Schlereth (1.FC Sand, #6) in action against three Höchberger defenders, taken during the last match againsgt TG Höchberg in the Toto Pokale Qualification round. --


Projected Starting 11: FC Sand-  GK Geier, Schlereth T, Schlereth D, Schebak, Steinmann, Rugovaj, Gonnert, Thomann, Bechmann, Zang, Moser

Reserves: Witchen, Rippstein, Albert, Lörzer, Zeiß, Durst, Wagner (Injured), Karmann (Injured)

Trainer: Matthias Strätz


Projected Starting 11: TG Höchberg-  GK Dominik Daxhammer, Rene Riebe, Alex Beier, Friedrich Philipp-Messerschmidt, Philipp Glücker, Sven Burkard, Julian Hippacher, David Schug, Lennart Bolg, Tom Bretorius, Ramon Schmitt

Reserve: ETW Tobias Weihs, Tristan Schmid, Noah Lehner, Tobias Riedner, Jeffrey Karl

Trainer: Thomas Kaiser


On Friday evening 1.FC sand will be playing their last test match against TG Höchberg (Würzburg) prior to the “Re-Start” next weekend (19.09.2020). The last time that FC Sand played against TG Höchberg was in the Bayerischer Toto-Pokal Qualification round in July 2018 that ended with a 1:3 victory for the Sander. The “Korbmacher 11” are hoping to win out their last test match, continuing their well-played matches in the preparation stage of the corona break. The team seems revived after the long corona disruption and has been able to give the club a little bit more optimism of them remaining in the Bayernliga Nord.


Trainer Matthias Strätz will have one more game to work out any problems with his team and begin earning some much-needed points in the league match. 1.FC Sand is currently ranking #15 in the Bayernliga Nord, but is also accompanied by many other clubs that are only a few games away in point difference.

No Fans will in allowed in the seestadion for this final test match, but the game on the 19.09.2020 against ATSV Erlangen will be opened to the first 400 fans that show up at the ticket gate. It is reccomneded to come a bit earlier than the game and grab a bite to eat to ensure that you are permitted access to the game, otherwise, you will have to follow the match on Sporttotal.Tv (FC Sand)

(PresseFoto Evans) am Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FCS Friendly FT Haßberge FuPa hassberge Main Rasen Sand Spieler Testspiel TG TG Höchberg TS Thu, 10 Sep 2020 14:53:58 GMT
1.FC Sand loses friendly against WFV 05.09.2020_FCS-WFV_re-Blog05.09.2020_FCS-WFV_re-Blog -- Image: (fLTR) Jasmin Kadiric (Würzburger FV, #21) attempts to get his foot in front of the MOTM, Kevin Steinmann (1.FC Sand, #21), before he can get his shot off; Steinmann was fouled by Kadiric. --


Starting 11: GK Geier, Schlereth T, Schlereth D, Schebak, Steinmann, Rugovaj, Gonnert, Thomann, Bechmann, Zang, Moser

Reserves: Witchen, Rippstein, Albert, Lörzer, Zeiß, Durst, Wagner (Injured), Karmann (Injured)


During the test match against the Würzberger FV, Trainer Matthias Strätz had a few key decisions that needed to be made when positioning his starting 11. With two of his starters out, Andre Karmann and Sebastian Wagner out due to injury, Strätz had a chance to see how some of his players would fair playing a different role.


Without Andre Karmann sealing up the midfield, a clearly weaker line was apparent but would be quickly realized by the (My Opinion) “Man of the Match”, Kevin Steinmann (1.FC Sand, #21), which he was able to adjust to the role seamlessly. Without the reliable “#7” in midfield, it seems that there was more of a need to play the long ball from the defense forward to the strikers covering the corners.


In the 69’, a 5-man substitution was made in order to get everyone on the team some playing time.  The gameplay slowed after the substitution and the 1:2 goal fell in 81’. The goal was scored on a 1-on-1 fast break by Julian Wild (WFV, #14); GK Markus Geier (1.FC Sand, #22) flared out in a last-ditch effort to block the ball, but Wild juked around Geier and put the ball in the back of the net.

All in all, the “Korbmacher 11” clearly got more out of the test match since the Sander tried new tactics and players covering down on different positions/roles and will have a better understanding player’s strengths/ weaknesses in future matches. The WFV also had a player that was continually falling to the ground which was a huge hindrance and disrupted the flow of the game. Strätz said after the match that he was generally please with the performance of his team, but mentioned that a few more changes need to be made to get the full effectiveness out of his team. 

The Teams will be meeting again, with Fans, in a Toto-Pokale Match. This match will be played in Würzburg at 1400hrs. on 26.09.2020.

📷:: For Images from the game click the link below: 👇
1.FC Sand am Main vs Würzburger FV (Bayernliga Friendly)


(PresseFoto Evans) Bayernliga Nord BFV FC Sand FCS Friendly FT Haßberge FuPa hassberge Rasen Sand am Main Spieler Testspiel TS WFV Würzburger Tue, 08 Sep 2020 11:04:06 GMT
Dorfrocker rock their "Heimat" Kirchaich Dorfrocker rock their "Heimat" Kirchaich

06.09.2020_Dorfrocker_kirchaich_re-13006.09.2020_Dorfrocker_kirchaich_re-130Deutschland, Kirchaich, Festplatz - 06.09.2020 - Concert, “Die Heldentour” - Dorfrockers Concert in Kirchaich

Image: The DorfRockers preform in at the Festplatz in their hometown of Kirchaich during their “HeldenTour”.

-- Image: Markus Thomann (Accordion/Bass) takes center-stage for his time to shine, as Brother Tobias takes to the drums in support. --


The Dorfrocker are a well-known Party-Band from Kirchaich (Landkreis Haßberge) known for providing a great atmosphere with their fest music .The Dorfrocker have returned to Kirchaich from their "Helden Tour" to play a 2-hour concert to their many fans from their "heimat" district of Haßberge. Around 400 people were in attendance of the event held by the Kirchaich Freiwillige Feuerwehr and all safety regulations were enforced as a part of the corona virus.

The Brother Trio of Phillip, Tobias, and Markus Thomann rocked the “aich”, with the music being able to be heard throughout the neighboring town of Trossenfurt. They got the party started with their song “Feuerwhren” for their Kirchaich FFW host; they also featured new songs to their tour, such as a new fan favorite “Stillen Helden”.


Being such a small venue, everyone was at a table that a good view of the stage was not a problem. Lines for the stands, such as the Food/Drink and restrooms never had a line of more than a few minutes. Overall the event was a success with the public being entertained by the Dorfrocker.

If you were unable to make it to the event, you can live the concert through the image gallery, the link is posted below:

📷:: The Dorfrocker Rock the "Aich"  🎶 🎸 🍻

(PresseFoto Evans) Aich band concert Coronavirus Dorfrocker fans festplatz hassberge Heimat Heldentour Kirchaich konzert music musik Stille Helden Tour Mon, 07 Sep 2020 16:32:06 GMT
1.FC Sand "Geisterspiel" Friendly match against SV Euerbach/Kützberg Deutschland, Euerbach, Sportplatz Euerbach - 29.08.2020 - Fussball, Friendly, Bayernliga - SV Euerbach/Kützberg vs. 1.FC Sand am Main

-- 0:2 Final for FCS --

29.08.2020_SVE-FCS_re-05529.08.2020_SVE-FCS_re-055Deutschland, Euerbach, Sportplatz Euerbach - 29.08.2020 - Fussball, Friendly, Bayernliga - SV Euerbach/Kützberg vs. 1.FC Sand am Main

Image: Ralph Thomann (1.FC Sand, #14) being tackled at the top of the box, setting up a Penalty Shot that was taken by Kevin Steinmann (1.FC Sand, #21) (not pictured) ; 0:2 FCS.
(Image: Ralph Thomann (1.FC Sand, #14) being tackled at the top of the box, setting up a Penalty Shot that was taken by Kevin Steinmann (1.FC Sand, #21) (not pictured) ; 0:2 FCS.)


In front of an empty stadium, FC Sand played a friendly away match against the nearby landesligaists, SV Euerbach. The Sportplatz was Chained/ closed off to visitors, but that didn't stop a few fans from watching parts of the game from a distance from the Sportheim biergarten. 

A slow start for FC Sand and SV Euerbach had a few very good chances on goal. One scoring chance for SVE was a ball shot at an empty goal cleared off of the line by Sebastian Albert (FCS). FC Sand let a few starters sit for this game, notably Thorsten Schlereth, to give more playing time to the new players. The clear highlight of the 1st half was, without a doubt, the penalty save made by GK Markus Geier (FCS) in the 44’. This Penalty Kill gave Sand an extra burst of motivation heading into the 2nd half.

In the 2nd Half, the game opened up and became more aggressive, with a lot of strong tackles from both teams. Heavy pressure from Shaban Rugovaj (FCS) on the Euerbacher defense lead to some confusion, which lead to a back-pass to an unsuspecting goalie, ending up with the ball in the back of the net. The Majority of the half was spent on the attacking side for the Sander forwards. The final nail in the coffin came in the 58', when Ralph Thomann (FCS) was foul just inside of the box. This foul set up the 0:2 as Kevin Steinmann (FCS) effortlessly shot the ball into the corner of the net.  

TR Matthias Strätz (FCS) was overall pleased with his team's preformance, but was mainly focused on the 2nd half, which was clearly more productive for FC Sand. The Friendly match ended 0:2 with no injuries and 3 yellow cards. (2 FCS/ 1 SVE).


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(PresseFoto Evans) 1.FC Sand BFV Corona Coronavirus Friendly Haßberge No Fans Soccer Test TS Sat, 29 Aug 2020 19:31:25 GMT
Celebration and Sadness collide for FC Sand      With 1.FC Sand struggling with a growing list of Injuries, they are also struggling to pick up points against lower rated teams in the Bayernliga Nord. Now dropping down to the accustomed 14th place, Trainer Dieter Schlereth needs to find a way to motivate his available squad to fill the void. The clear missing pieces of the chain are Joe Bechmann (injured) and Danny Schlereth (Injured), which hinders the normal flow of play for the “korbmacher 11”. Bachmann is listed as “Probable” in the next match against ATSV Erlangen on Saturday, but is expected to play.  ATSV is expected to listed as the favourite with a record of 2-2-1.


03.08.2019_FCS-ASV_re-8 copy03.08.2019_FCS-ASV_re-8 copyDeutschland, Sand am Main, SeeStadion - 03.08.2019 - Fussball, Bayernliga Nord - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. ASV Cham

Bild: Andre Schmitt (1.FC Sand, #19) nach einer Verletzung vom Feld getragen werden; Zerrissene Achillessehne.

Foto: PresseFoto Evans / Ryan Evans


Image: Andre Schmitt (1.FC Sand,#19) being carried from the field, during the match against ASV Cham on 03.08.2019, after tearing his Achilles tendon.




     Christian Michl’s FCS II celebrates a huge win in their first Bezirksliga derby against the DJK Dampach; this win also marks the first win for FC Sand II in the Bezirksliga Ost. Thiemo Persch (DJK, #13) started the scoring early with a goal in the 13th minute to give the Dampfacher a short-lived lead. A penalty shot awarded in the 25th minute, giving Dampfach a chance to regain the lead, but the shot that beat Keeper Fabian Zehe didn’t beat the post. Julius Neundörfer then shined with his double pack, hitting the net in the 21st and 37th minute. The uneventful 2nd half produced no goals, allowing Sand to edge out the DJK with a final of 1:2.

03.08.2019_DJK-FCSII_re002 copy03.08.2019_DJK-FCSII_re002 copyDeutschland, Sand am Main, SeeStadion - 03.08.2019 - Fussball, Bayernliga Nord - 1.FC Sand am Main vs. ASV Cham

Bild: Jusuf Kurtanovic (FC Sand II, #8) nach die 1:1 Torschuss von Julius Neundörfer (FC Sand II, #11)

Foto: PresseFoto Evans / Ryan Evans

Image: Jusuf Kurtanovic (FC Sand II, #8) celebrates after Julius Neundörfer (FC Sand II, #11) score the 1:1 in the derby against DJK Dampfach.




Next Week’s Games:

Bayernliga- @ATSV Erlangen 10.08

BZL Ost- vs. FC Westheim 11.08


(PresseFoto Evans) Main Nord 1.FC Sand am Bayernliga Bezirksliga BFV BZL derby FC Sand Fussball Haßberge rasen Sand Soccer Sport Sun, 04 Aug 2019 07:36:22 GMT
Kinder helfen Kindern Kinder helfen Kindern

01.06.2019_Kinderhospiz_Knetzgau_re-03901.06.2019 ++ Erstkommunionkindern der Pfarreiengemeinschaft Knetzgau ++** Click to view more images **

     Ein Großteil der Erstkommunionkindern der Pfarreiengemeinschaft Knetzgau hat in diesem Jahr auf ein Gegengeschenk verzichtet und stattdessen an das Malteser Kinderhospiz Gruppe Haßberge Geld gespendet. Bei der Übergabe erfuhren die Kinder noch genaueres über die Arbeit und auch wofür dieses Geld verwendet wird. Insgesamt konnten Claudia Stadelmann und Traudel Schulz einen stolzen Betrag von 1155€ für das Kinderhospiz entgegennehmen. Auf dem Bild zu sehen sind Claudia Stadelmann und Traudel Schulz vom Malteser-Hilfsdienst und einige Kommunionkinder mit ihren Müttern.

(PresseFoto Evans) Donation Gruppe Haßberge Kinder Kinderhospiz Malteser Spende Sat, 15 Jun 2019 08:25:43 GMT
1.FC Sand am Main hoping for points in Gebenbach! Searching for Points in Gebenbach


++ Image: Andre Karmann (1.FC Sand am Main, #7) taking a shot on the DJK Gebenbach's goal. Karmann will not be taking the field in Gebenbach after receiving a Red in Vach. Foto: PFE ++


1.FC Sand am Main is heading to DJK Gebenbach on Saturday 20/4 looking for some much-needed points to stay out of the red in the fight against demotion to the landesliga. With only 8 points separating the first relegation position to the direct demotion, none of the five teams currently holding a relegation position are resting easy.



14 ASV Vach 29 9 2 18 37 : 63 -26 29 ASCENDING
15 FSV Erlangen-Bruck 29 8 4 17 41 : 58 -17 28 DESCENDING
16 1. FC Sand 28 7 4 17 35 : 57 -22 25 DESCENDING
17 SpVgg Jahn Forchheim 27 6 5 16 47 : 69 -22 23 CONSTANT
18 ASV Neumarkt 28 5 6 17 22 : 67 -45 21 CONSTANT


With a continuous team effort against SC Eltersdorf in the SeeStadion, The team will have a little bit of momentum heading into the head of the currently #1 ranked team in the Bayernliga North. The young and confident Danny Schlereth will be acting captain while Andre Karmann is serving his suspension for his Red Card in Vach; his role change from defense to midfield turned a favourable result against Bernd Eigner's Eltersdorf and head coach Dieter Schlereth is looking for more of the same gameplay to bring some points back with them to the FC.


FC Sand: Projected lineup against DJK Gebenbach-

Klemm, Geier – Bechmann, Flachsenberger, Gonnert, D. Schlereth, Witchen, Reith, Steinmann, T. Schlereth, D. Schmitt, Moser, Röder, Markof, Rugovaj.


(PresseFoto Evans) 1.FC Sand Bayern Bayernliga Nord bfv fussball Soccer Fri, 19 Apr 2019 18:06:02 GMT